Christmas this year was by far the best Christmas.. Mainly to do with the fact that Chloe was thrilled to the max! Everything was so exciting. Every present she said "Just what I always wanted!!"
Adam and I hadn't wanted to make a huge deal over Santa with our children. We want them to know that we celebrate Christmas because of Jesus. Adam mentioned to her a week before Christmas, that if she was a good girl Santa would bring her lots of surprises, but If she was on the naughty list she wouldn't get them.. and man it really worked with her! All she needed when she was starting to act out was a little reminder of said Santa, and she shaped right up. I kinda wish we would have taught her about Santa weeks before.
Adam and I hadn't wanted to make a huge deal over Santa with our children. We want them to know that we celebrate Christmas because of Jesus. Adam mentioned to her a week before Christmas, that if she was a good girl Santa would bring her lots of surprises, but If she was on the naughty list she wouldn't get them.. and man it really worked with her! All she needed when she was starting to act out was a little reminder of said Santa, and she shaped right up. I kinda wish we would have taught her about Santa weeks before.

We decided not to put in a ton of candy into her stocking this year.. She still has piles from Halloween, and we try not to give her a lot of sugar anyway. We have an addict on our hands.. Seriously.
What excited her the most?
The one Dum dum in her stocking...
What excited her the most?
The one Dum dum in her stocking...

Chloe has a routine of calling her Daddy as soon as I pick her up from preschool, and telling him all about her day.Two weeks back while chatting with her dad she mentions to him how sad she was that her stuffed kitty is lost. Now this kitty is a mangy thing she stole off of "the cat lady" at our church Halloween party. She loves that ugly thing and carries it around with her everywhere, and even sleeps with it. She continued to tell him how she needs a new one, and she likes any color kitty especially pink kitties. This was the first time we had ever heard her ask for anything, so we set out to find a pink kitty. Should be easy right? No. We searched for days, and hours on end looking for a pink kitty for the girl. Finally we decided to go with this Persian kitty with a pink nose, and pink ears. The look on her face says it all.

You know she likes something when the tongue comes out..

She hugged all of her presents, and was thrilled for each and every gift given. It makes you want to give more to those who are so grateful when you give gifts doesn't it?

She would have been happy with the stocking. She had no idea she was getting anything else. I love this shot I got of her studying her packages, while waiting for her turn to open another one..

Oh and have I mentioned how great a gift giver my sweet husband is? Yeah he kinda got 80% 90% of the gifts for everyone this year. He thinks of things so unique to the person. I love that about him. Here he found her a panda hat that she can wear, because she has a thing with Pandas as of late saying "Pandas scare away monsters" and every night tells her daddy "You be the monster I'll be the panda" and they run around her room chasing each other.

Little baby Jane was a sport. She contently sat there playing with her unopened box of pacis while we watched Chloe open her stocking.

Unlike her older sister this baby has always liked toys, and plays with them. She curiously turns them over and over inspecting them, and then puts them into her mouth to further inspect.

All in all Christmas morning was magical.
Adam and I had so much fun watching our girls in awe. Does Christmas just get better and better every year with kids? I feel surprised every year by how much fun Christmas is. I'm looking forward to the new year and what is to come raising two beautiful sweet little girls.