- You bite your bottom lip
- got your ears pierced at 4.5 months
- you sleep 1-2 hour nap in the morning and a 2-4 hour nap in the afternoons
- you fall asleep at 630-7 and wake at 6-630 in the mornings. You sleep through the night and don't wake once. Never have!
- You don't eat by mouth still. We give you a bottle 1-2 times a day but you are not interested, and bite down on the nipple. You only swallow because you have to.
- You are THE sweetest little person I have ever known. You are calm, and quiet most of the time.
- You will play in your bassinet quietly while you wait for me to wake up.. sometimes an hour or longer!
- You love tv
- You usually only cry when you are tired. and really it's just a small fuss
- you vomit and dry heave 1-3 times a day
- You are pretty good about keeping your ng tube in, but sometimes play with it, and pull it.
- You are not very active, and your muscles are little weak, so you tire easily
- you love kisses, and don't mind me kissing you all over all of the time
- you will sit patiently while i take care of dinner,your sisters, really anything.
- you have physical therapy,occupational therapy, and a developmental specialist come to the house each once a week to help you.
- you run hot, and sweat often,
- Still as tiny as ever only 10lbs
- You can grasp at things you are given
- You had so much hair, but it started falling out in clumps, so I buzzed it (yikes!) and now it looks so much better, and looks like it just grew in that way.
- You are still in the bassinet in our room, and will be in with us for a long time.
- You are petite, and have the cuuuutest baby body!
- You have a coo laugh, but have only made that sound when you like mommy tickles or raspberries,
- You are predictable. I know exactly what calms you, and what you need.
- You love routine.
- All I have to do to put you to sleep is cradle hold you facing in and pat your bum for less than a minute. You protest yell just a bit (which means you are ready and tired) Then I lay you down, on your tummy and you are calm, and fall asleep within minutes.

What can I say? You are the perfect baby for me! I couldn't have picked out a better baby in the entire world! I mean that! We love you and can't wait to see you grow! (thank you Michelle for the dress I love that they all get to wear it!) Thank you also, Ashley for the floor drop! :)