Oh sweet little quiet baby girl. You are a calm one. Your movements are small, and infrequent still. You have your wiggles, but they are subtle. I don't have half of the braxton hicks I had with he other two, because you are so still, and delicate with your movements. You get the hiccups very often, just like when I was pregnant with Chloe. The only difference is Chloe's were huge movements, that irritated her. She would get them, and toss and turn, and kick. You just hiccup for the long duration, and stay asleep. I can feel that I am carrying you very low. You are still measuring small, and I go in for another growth scan in a couple of weeks. You were measuring at 29 weeks the last time I went in. The nurse practitioner said I measured 1 cm off (whatever that means)

I love that I get such a belly. I know it's amazing to see someone who is 35 weeks pregnant, and you had no idea they were even pregnant, but in a sense I feel bad for those people. You don't ever get the niceties that come with pregnancy. Like the polite opening of doors in public, and the kind words of luck that people wish you. I get to feel so special, because what I am doing is so special. I am creating life. That is pretty spectacular.. kinda like this huge belly! So yes I totally own the belly. I enjoy every moment of being this big right up to the end.

I have gained the most this time around. All my fault. Totally in my control, but I didn't do anything to fix it. Lots of quick food, and sugar, and no exercise. plus loads of stress. I am 5lbs away from my birth weight with the other girls. Oh well. I'll just nurse it off later.

Adam calls my belly button "skittle button" he says it looks like I tucked a skittle in there under my shirt. lol
I have to admit I am a little concerned that miss Pipes won't do so well with the new baby. She is such a momma's girl. We have a special bond, her and I. I don't want to break that, but I know that newborns take so much energy, and I know from experience that my momma bear instincts kick in something fierce when I have a new baby. Even toward my other children. I don't want for her to feel left out. I'm not so worried about Chloe, because she is a big girl, and apparently not that attached to me lol. She is a daddy's girl and has always been. I think she will be just fine.
Names That I like, but I could have never used
Vada... remember my girl? I loved that movie..