The only way to get away from the snakes was on this old bridge. Here is Chloe rethinking some decisions she has made in her life.

In northern California we have big yellow banana slugs. In the Olympic Forest we found big brown slugs. Here Chloe and her daddy are inspecting one taking his time crossing the soft wet ground cover below.

The forest was so green and lush it felt like we were in some untouched ancient place that hasn't changed for centuries.
Chlo-girl found some cool feathers (probably leftovers from the snakes bird victims). Grandpa Baird thought that they were hawk or eagle feathers.
Whenever Chloe hikes anywhere she has to find a nice walking stick. You can see how excited she was when her daddy found one for her that was just the right height!
Here are grandpa Baird and Piper taking a rest on a moss covered log.
Here is a picture of Chloe holding the slightly nauseous salamander (he looks green for a reason).
Piper loved to dip her toes in the cool lake.
The pictures above are of Chloe at a cool campground we stumbled across on one of our hikes. I think she was still a little wary of snakes here.
Here is Chloe helping the lower the jet ski into the lake. She kept yelling "I'm steering the jet ski! I'm steering!" as she lowered it into the water.
Here is Piper showing off her pony tale out at the lake.
We had a great time out at the lake house with grandma and grampa Baird. Thanks Uncle Rod!