This summer for the 4th of July we took a trip up to the very tip of California to a city that I used to live in as a child, called Crescent City. It was just like I remembered it being. Gorgeous. Really it's so beautiful. It's the part of California where the Ocean meets the Redwoods. I wish I had felt better, and taken more pictures, but I was in the throws of morning sickness, and with the extremely low energy I just couldn't muster the desire.
We went to the parade, where Miss Social (aka Chloe) met a little boy named Hunter while at the parade. They both enjoyed helping eachother other stash their candies, and jump up and down screaming "over here" for the people in the parade to throw them candy. We hung out with my sousin and her family who lives out there, and had a bbq.We watched the fireworks right on the beach. It was lovely.

I love the picture below of Chloe fishing out candy from her cheek. Lol

We took several trips to the beach. Our hotel was right on the beach, so it was easy to get there. Piper and I napped while everyone else hiked the cliffs and explored the tide pools.

Chloe and her daddy spent a lot time climbing and exploring the tide pools. They would flip rocks over to find starfish and dozens of crabs. Ginger found a crab too...with the end of her nose. Poor girl had a cut snout most of the time, but she still wanted to chase and bite at them.

Jebadiah Smith State Redwood Park is adjacent to Crescent City. When we entered the park Adam said that he thought of a name if we ever have a son. Return of the Jedi (the ewok parts) was filmed in JSFRP. The redwood and fern forest felt ancient and was so beautiful to hike through.

At the mouth of the Smith River there were a bunch of cool things that washed up on shore, and Chloe went exploring.