This month you have grown more than the last four months combined!! You amaze me. I love love Love your personality!!! You are amazingly smart, responsive, alert, aware, funny, and so so sweet. I am literally in awe of you all of the time. I could never ever ask for a sweeter baby.
- You can now say bye-bye
- night-night
- chicken
- bottle
- dog
- caca
- bum bum
- Ginger (in syllables)
- Chloe (kinda)
- mama
- dada
- dah-die (daddy) I like to think it sounds like the queen's english.
- Mama said faster than regular mama (grandma)

- Bath
- more
- food
- please
- milk
- baby
- all done

You walk holding onto things. You can stand alone, and will take one step all by yourself from time to time. (update- you took your first real steps at church yesterday June 15th) You love to point at what you want. You want everything that Chloe has esp food/gum etc. You will point at your chest, then at someone else to let them know "you" want "them".
Honestly I couldn't be more in love or proud of you. I want a million of you!!!