- Penelope loves sour things, like lemons, and pickles.
- You are not a fan of sweets.
- You squawk anytime you don't like something.

- You give little snuggles here and there
- You started crawling January 20th one day before your birthday!
- I can still get you to lay for a diaper change, or a bolus feeding
- You have 5 teeth now, your top two bottom two and your left top have popped through.

- You say Mama, dada, ginger, dog, ni ni (night night) uh oh, and hi
- you like to get into things like baskets of toys, or my crafts.
- You go to sleep at 730 and wake about 630
- You are transitioning from 2 naps to one, but you still need two.

- You love to mimic
- You play independently very well.
- You are very curious, and smart.
- You adore your daddy. He adores you.
- You love to dance, especially with your Aunt Sarah
Below is the naked/floral lavender cake