My sweet, angelic perfect baby girl is almost 7 months old. I feel like she has only been here for a few months, and am honestly very sad when I think that she will be getting bigger and growing up. this one needs to stay a baby for me. I have thoroughly enjoyed every single second of this baby. . We didn't have a hard period at all with Penelope. She is an amazing sleeper, and rarely cries. She can play alone for long periods of time, and I couldn't have dreamed up a more perfect babe. If I could guarantee another child like her, I would surely be willing to have a fourth. For now I will bask in her perfectness.

- You have a cafe ole birthmark on your left elbow.
- You love to chew your hands/fingers

- Penelope now has tasted (by tasted I mean had the flavor on her tongue) the following- banana ice cream, peach, grapes, nectarine, watermelon, and chewed on a soft pretzel.
- She has a compression nipple on her speech therapist recommended Dr Browns feeding bottle, and when she chews it lets out milk. She enjoys this, but more for play than for nourishment.
- She has had her g-tube since July 14th, so one month ago. When she was in the hospital she was a little uncomfortable, then when came home she had no problem with pain until 2 weeks later when she started feeling sore, and had some granulation tissue building up. We got her some steroid ointment, and some antibiotic ointment to put on it, and now she is feeling good again.
- She rolls from tummy to back
- She is still a tiny bit low toned in her muscles, and tires easily. I have to give her many breaks when trying to help her sit up, or have tummy time.
- She has PT, OT and a developmental specialist that comes to the house 1x a week each.
- We reached out to 3 of the other families who have kids with MUPD20 and found out a lot of good information. It looks like She will be fine all around, except for growth, and feeding. This is something that Penelope should outgrow slowly. The other kids grew out of it by age 5ish, but they remain small.

- Penelope is not a huge smiler in general, but when she does she has the sweetest gummy smile, and her eyes light up.
- Penelope is not a big giggler. She makes a sound like a sigh when she laughs.
- She is in a size 3-6 months, and is 11lbs 6oz
- She eats 20oz. of breast milk in a 24 hour period. We have to fortify her milk with a calorie enhancer powder formula for preemies.
- She is very flexible and
eatsplays with her feet all of the time. - She almost fits into a size 1 baby shoe.
- She adores her Chloe, and the two of them look similar.
- You twist your little wrist over and over just like Chloe did.