Friday, November 29, 2013

Smith Family Farms

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My friend Sarah, and I took a little trip with our girls up to Smith Family Farms.
They have a huge fruit and vegetable stand with an assortment of fresh
unique vegetables. I picked up two types of persimmons, a pimento, some apples,
 heirloom tomatoes, and an avocado.
All the while we got some adorable pictures of the girls.
 None of which the girls were looking into the camera at the same time.. story of my life.
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Pictured is Piper Jane 5 months, and mostly sitting up. I propped her up for this picture.. and a few seconds later she tipped over and landed on her head. I didn't get many smiles after that.
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Ahhh and here is Miss Chloe. Not in the mood to take any pictures..
So I get only candid shots of her doin' her thing.
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Yep thats a lot of pictures of C.. but hey.. It is my blog after all!
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I asked Chloe to practice her ballet moves here..
She loves ballet. She has been in ballet for a few months now,
 and finally they had a day that the parents were invited to come into class and watch.
 It was interesting.. there was a moment when Chloe was that kid..
You know.. the one licking the wall, while the prima ballerinas gracefully danced around the room... That's my girl!! Haha
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Haha this is the ONE shot I got of her looking. Silly Chlo
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I think it's going to be impossible to get a great shot of these two together,
 and actually looking at the camera. Oh well I'll still try. Sweet sisters

