- Still as tiny as ever and still under 13lbs
- You can grasp at things you are given
- You put everything in your mouth
- You drool.. a lot
- You love being outdoors.
- You are very curious and want to take everything in.
- You are doing better in the car seat.
- You still haven't grown any hair.
- You are very interested in watching people eat, and your mouth tries to mimic the movement
- You like Ginger
- You are an early riser.. too early.
- You still eat about every 2.5 hours
- You wake up to eat three times a night you do no more than 4 hr stretches.
- You are still in the bassinet in our room.
We are about to move you into your crib in the room with Chloe.. I am nervous..
I am about to start some real sleep training to get you down to two feedings a night.
We are so sleep deprived.
Sweet little baby doll! Are you guys still looking at houses?