Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chloë & The Big Apple

 We took 11 month old Chloë on her first big trip to New York City. She was mesmerised by everything! After a loooong flight with a tired baby.. we thought she might get overwhelmed and out of her comfort zone, but she did well! She ate, and ate and ate.. She had curry @ "Room Service" , cupcakes from "Crumbs", famous Brooklyn Bridge vanilla Ice cream, Marie Belle's dark hot chocolate.. Yum! She saw China town, and Manhattan, and thousands of people on the street and she was completely entertained.

She loved hanging out with her Uncle Seth. They spent time together while Adam and I went to see the show "Catch me if you can".

Just over the Brooklyn Bridge
Why are the fire hydrants always busted open in the city??


 It was a great little family vacation I'm glad Chloe-lu liked the trip!

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering how she was during the plan ride. Brava Chloe!!! You girls take the cutest pictures, traveling. She's done a lot of traveling, lucky girl!!!

