- When you get sad you now cry Uh Ya Ya Ya
- You are starting to sit up
- You sleep through the night as of 2.5 weeks ago. (I feed you at 10:30 you wake at 6:30 for the day)
- You are Very smart.
- You are a hair puller.
- You started eating rice cereal, oatmeal, and applesauce last week.
- Your appetite has grown. Your usual 3.5 ounces has turned to 5 ounces.
- You weigh 13lbs.
- You didn't even cry when you got two shots at the doctors.
- When you see people eating you mimic them.
- You like to splash as soon as you are put into the bath.
- You grab everything you can reach.
- You still don't like to be put down for long.
- You Wiggle when you smile.
- No teeth yet.. Yay!

- You reach your arms out when someone reaches to hold you.
- You suck on your hand and fingers a lot.
- You are hard to hold on the hip, because of how stiff you like to keep your legs.
You are the sweetest most lovable babe in the world. I feel so lucky to get to know you,and spend so much time with you. I just adore your personality.
Looking into Piper's eyes is truly like looking into the windows of heaven! What a little angel!!