Okay so for a while now I have had an obsession with intricate vintage (old) furniture. My obsession doesn't stop there.. I have found that I really love vintage baby clothes. There is a shop near our house called "Room With A Past" that I have now (All thanks to my dear friend Fenima) become obsessed with. They sell furniture, dishes, baby clothes etc. all vintage or v inspired. Love love love. I am re-doing chloe's nursery into a little girl room and I am decorating it in all vintage inspired/ shabby chic. I am SO excited!!
I transformed this neato ottoman to go in her room.

bought this cool intricate mirror that was a bronze color and spray painted it white.
These are a couple of vintage baby clothes I bought. The lady who sold these to me said she stored them in her hope chest and never used them. They are from the 60's and I think they are beautiful!
This white linen top is my favorite! It still has it's tags on!
I am going to put Chloe in this blue top tonight to go out to get Frozen yogurt with the youth in our church. I will pair it with some blue Janie and Jack shoes she has :)
My model~
My vintage baby clothes model. I love you pretty baby!
My friend, you're so awesome. I love that you're obsessed with vintage cuz so do I. What you did with that ottoman is fab and of course that mirror looks like it cost $39...or more. So shabby chic....Oh did you get all those clothes from the garage sale? Chloe always have the cutest outfit. BTW, about the drools, all my babies are droolers. So far Malachi is the longerst, still drooling @ 18 mos...may be even almost 2 yr..I thought it'd never stop. Jessa stops before 1 yr. Now Emorie starts to drool.