Thursday, December 16, 2010
6 months and graduating to Solids!!!
Before I begin I would like to say, Yes these posts may be uninteresting to you, but I keep this blog for Chloë's grandmas. Yes this is a shout out to the grandmas who check the blog for updates. Grandma Renee, Gigi, Nana, Grandma Baird. Chloë has just turned 6 months old! I can't believe she is a half a year old! She is getting sooooo big. She can sit up on her own and I LOVE it. For me it means more pictures!! She just started to eat "real" food. So far sweet potatoes, Applesauce (cinnamon and regular), butternut squash, yellow squash, and she has never turned down anything I stick in her mouth.This girl LOVES her food! I am so excited to introduce Chloë to a whole new world of food. As crazy as it sounds I am having so much fun with this. I love letting her experience a world of flavors! My cousin Amber was kind enough to give us this baby food that her baby is too big for now. I have also been making and freezing homemade squash, fresh green beans, and berry baby food. I plan to make all of it myself with our handy-dandy bullet. below is a fun video of how serious little miss is about her food!
I just found your blog off of Fenima's blog list! Yea! Can't wait to see updates.;)