Tuesday, June 1, 2010
To induce or not to induce..
First I guess I should say I am leaning toward not having Chloe induced. I was hoping to get stories or opinions from those who have had inductions. I went in for a Dr. appointment this morning and my Dr informed me that he will be out of town the week I'm due. He suggested we induce early (the weekend of the 12th) and told me I have the choice to induce or take the risk of an on call Dr. if I were to go into labor during that week. At first I thought about it and kinda considered it. I was excited at the thought that I could see my baby 5 days sooner than my due date and I am soooo ready to meet this little girl I can hardly stand it!! BUT I have read so many books and watched a few documentaries on child birth and I have heard all about pitocin and the issues it can cause. So i think I'll just take my chances with the on call Dr. (if thats the way it goes) and go into labor naturally. Any suggestions?
I've heard good and bad stories. My sister was induced with both her boys and liked it. I don't have personal experience with it though.
ReplyDeleteInduce! I've been induced with Collin & Sienna. Jordon came the night before the induction. I always ask to be induced. I also ALWAYS have an epidural. It just makes the experience more enjoyable because your not dying in pain. Those are my thoughts. :D
ReplyDeleteOnly you can make this decision, but I would definitely not induce if it were me. Give Chloe more time to get ready and your chances of having major abdominal surgery (C-section) will be greatly reduced. I put off inducement 2 weeks after my due date until I felt the baby was more ready and I don't regret it at all. I don't know if you're going the natural route or not, but pitocin does make going natural a bit more difficult.
ReplyDeleteI was induced with Jessa, and it was fabulous. It was night and day compared with my experience with Malachi. But, you should follow your heart because some people do have bad experiences with induction
ReplyDeleteI've heard that if you want to go all natural (no pain meds) that being induced can make it more painful. In my experience Kate (2 days early) was a lot more healthy then Isabelle (10 days early) and Will (14 days early) but it is really your decision. The on call Dr. delivered Will because my Dr. didn't show up and the on-call Dr was wonderful, so it didn't ruin the birth experience for us. We can't wait to see pictures of your little girl. We will pray for a good labor and delivery and healthy Mom and baby.
ReplyDeleteDon't induce! I had Riley 10 days late and I was going nuts, but I wanted the excitement of him coming when HE was ready. Unfortunately my water broke on it's own and I wasn't progressing and had to have pitocin because the risk of infection was getting too high. So...I was halfway induced, but I think I'll wait next time too for the baby to come on his own time!
ReplyDeleteI've been induced twice (5 days late and 10 days late) and gone into labor naturally twice. From everything I have experienced and learned from my own experienceds and friends, if your body is ready to deliver--your cervix is mostly effaced and partially dialated--then inducing doesn't increase risks much at all. Although contractions can be more forceful and less gentle. If your body is not ready--cervix not dialated or effaced--then your risks go way up of having complications. Effacement tends to be more important then being dialated. Overall, trust your instincts. Do what you feel is best for you and your little one. But I do have to say, once you hit a week or two past you due date, the list of complications goes way up from having the baby in too long, such as getting too big to come out easily, etc. It is always an adventure. Hope it all goes well for you.