Monday, February 27, 2012


Baby girl you are growing up so fast. You are so funny. You make daddy and I laugh every day. You are a fiery little thing and secretly I like that ( so does daddy)
 You are determined, and a little stubborn. You are learning new words everyday (at least parts of words) You can say the following
  • Dog
  • Daddy, dada
  • Don't (Pronounced without the T. You say this in a low devil voice)
  • Bye bye
  • ball
  • bubbles (pronounced Bobos)
  • Please (pronounced Pee)
  • Water (pronounced Awah)
  • Walk (anytime I try to hold you and you want down)
  • No
  • Mama
  • Show (movie)
  • Cracker (Pronounced Kaka)
  • Caca
  • More (Pronounced Mo)
  • Teeth
  • Tooth paste (pronounced Tutu)
 Your favorite person is Dad. You like to hold his finger when you walk together.You know all of your farm animal noises and more.
You are great at sign language. You know all of your animals and most typical baby signs.
 We found some wild daffodils. Teaching my daughter to smell the flowers was pretty funny.. First I smelled them and showed her how, then I asked her to smell them. She did well at first..
 We haven't mastered the difference between smell and taste.. Coco likes to take a sample of everything with her tongue.
Daddy likes to sing you made up songs. Some have cute lyrics.. This morning it went a little like this " Thats my daughter and I'm her father I love her so much lets have another" I think we should too. I enjoy being your mother, and teaching you new things my sweet little daughter.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


Adam is always so great at coming up with surprises for special occasions. He always has the best gifts and ideas for me. This year I decided I should do something for him. So I planned our Valentines day outing. We went up to Lafayette Reservoir and rented a row boat. Muscles here rowed us around and found us a quiet place to stop and have lunch.

 Pretty fancy eh?

We made a friend whom I called "Gilbert" he enjoyed the crust off of my sandwich.


 Adam got me a bouquet of "spider flowers" and I made us a special dinner of Oolong sea bass ( a copycat recipe from Pf Chang's) It was soooooo good.

After dinner I gave Adam a facial, and we watched a movie together. It was a good Valentines day!

Friday, February 10, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Painted Ladies

This weekend Chloe's grandmas came to visit. We had a blast going out to sushi, going into the city and playing games. Here are a few pics from our weekend.

We went to Britex fabric store. It's a four floor amazing fabric store. The selection was huge! Most bolts of fabric were anywhere from $9 to $100 a yard. They had beautiful fabric and notions.

Chloe didn't do well in the store, so we decided to cruise Union Square while Kristin and Carolyn looked around.

Chloe chasing the Pigeons around Union Square and enjoying the nice weather.

Daddy and Coco chillin.

 Chloe loves to play with Mommy and pretend I am going to drop her.

 She could do this for hours if I let her.

 Enjoying her Gigi and Nana in Alamo Square.

 The day wouldn't feel complete without a fit or two.

 As soon as she is done throwing her fit she is back to her happy little self. I think a BIG dog is walking by. Chloe loves dogs.

Remember "Full house" Well I do. Thats what I watched growing up. Remember the opening song where they show where the family "lived" Adam took us to that place in San Fransisco. Behind me are the "Painted Ladies" the famous Full House houses across the street from Alamo Square.

Oh no!

Again the Painted Ladies.

This is Chloe's frist ever attempt at the drinking fountain. I think she liked it!

This is when we decided it was time to go. I had had it with the crazy baby. Gotta love those candids lol.


While browsing through Pinterest I came across this pin Homemade laundry soap

I was about out of my detergent so I thought.. Hey this looks like a fun project! I went out and got the supplies which were oh so cheap!

1 bar Fels Naptha- .98 cents
Borax- 3.94
Washing soda- 3 something

 I made one batch of the liquid kind and I believe it will last for a couple of months! (which is saying a lot because we do a lot of laundry in our home) I still have enough stuff to make five more giant batches. All for around 8 bucks. I usually spend over 20 for my brand name liquid detergent and it only lasts 2 months maybe.

 I also made a batch of dishwasher detergent from a recipe on pinterest and I have found that it works out pretty well so far! I'm still testing the laundry soap out a bit before I give it my final opinion. It was kinda fun though!