Saturday, May 28, 2011

Nautical glass & Pom flowers

 Today at a garage sale I found These Nautical glass floats. I had no idea what they were when I came across them, but I thought they would be pretty hanging from our tree in the back yard. The price was right so I bought them. When I got home I was a little nervous to show Adam what I found. I didn't figure he would share my vision. Well come to find out Adam really liked them, and I learned that they are Nautical Glass Floats that were once used to keep Japanese fisherman's nets from sinking. These floated over from Japan and the lady I bought them from had a mother who collected all things nautical. She had no idea what they were and sold them to me cheap.. Score! Adam decided to hang them from the beams on the eve of our house. I really like them and they catch light beautifully!

I also made these oh so easy Pom flowers that I love tutorial here

Pretty eh?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Who doesn't love free!!

So I was reading up on a blog I follow, and found out that you can go to your local "waste Management facility" ..The dump..  And you can drop off your household chemicals (Cleaner, garden, PAINT, stain etc)  anyone who wants them can pick them up for FREE!! So I googled our local county dump, which is just a couple of towns over, and it's true in our area too!So I went bright and early this morning and picked up a TON of GREAT products! Paint, glazing, Polyurethane, wood glue, fertilizer, and so on.. I am so excited about this!!! I can save myself hundreds now on projects I am refinishing YAY!!!

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Cotton Candy out of Jolly Ranchers?

Yes this is possible! Actually you can make cotton candy out of most any hard candy! Yum! We are scouring our house to find different things to use to make cotton candy.. butterscotch, mint, endless possibilities, AND even Sugar-free cotton candy.. Strange but guilt free! Mmmm cotton candy..A great idea for part of the treats at Chloe's 1st birthday!
On that note.. I decided to do a vinage theme for Miss Chloe's first birthday with an emphasis on lace and pearls I cant wait!! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Chloë & The Big Apple

 We took 11 month old Chloë on her first big trip to New York City. She was mesmerised by everything! After a loooong flight with a tired baby.. we thought she might get overwhelmed and out of her comfort zone, but she did well! She ate, and ate and ate.. She had curry @ "Room Service" , cupcakes from "Crumbs", famous Brooklyn Bridge vanilla Ice cream, Marie Belle's dark hot chocolate.. Yum! She saw China town, and Manhattan, and thousands of people on the street and she was completely entertained.

She loved hanging out with her Uncle Seth. They spent time together while Adam and I went to see the show "Catch me if you can".

Just over the Brooklyn Bridge
Why are the fire hydrants always busted open in the city??


 It was a great little family vacation I'm glad Chloe-lu liked the trip!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Rags to Riches

My first mothers day was FAB! Adam treated me like a queen. With breakfast in bed, taking care of Chloe's needs all day long, and presents! I asked for a food processor (which I used today and it's amazing!) I also wanted a high power staple gun, and A delivered! Here is my first project with my new mothers day gift!This chair is a piece in the set I am re-finishing right now. This before picture is so disgusting.. Rags..

Who sits on this thing?? So filthy!! Nasty mushroom seat. So I pulled it off and started to take the dirty sick material off and found.. yet another nasty material underneath..

So I painted the wood, added glaze,stripped it and with my handy dandy nail gun thingie I made this..


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Revamped Couch & end tables

I am kicking myself in the butt right now because I didn't remember to do a before picture of these!!!! The end tables were black and the couch table was light oak. I painted, distressed, and added black seaming on the edges. Here they are..

 I found this fabric in the remnant section and thought it may look nice in the bottom of these drawers. So I measured, then cut out the fabric peices and glued them in the bottom of the drawers.

Thinking of buying some cute vintage inspired glass knobs to add a little kick to these drawers whata ya think? Stay tunned for the BIG BIG exciting project thats in the works.. Can you tell I'm so excited about it??