Sunday, February 27, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
This past weekend Adam, Chloe, and I went to Tahoe to help chaperon a church youth ski trip. I had never been up there and felt like I was the last person on earth to go.We stayed at Northstar, It was beautiful! The weather was sunny and warm ( for Feb.) We took a couple of boys from the ward up with us on the drive up. They entertained Miss Chloe and she fell in love with Travis. She kept staring at him the whole way up. I think she has a thing for blond boys with blue eyes, because yesterday I took her with me to do a couple of hair cuts and she did the same thing to Ryan, who also has blond hair and blue eyes.
We stayed in a beautiful room with a fireplace and a kitchen. Here are my two favorite people on earth, My handsome husband and baby girl. Chloe spoke her second word while we were in Tahoe, which was Dada! Adam LOVED that!
Chloe enjoyed being somewhere new..We had to pause the fun every once in a while for Chloe to eat... Like I have said before.. this kid LOVES her food!
Me trying to be sneaky and pelt Adam with the snow..
We thought about going hot tubing, but Adam forgot his swim shorts :(
Morgan and Grant. Grant was a trooper! He napped through us going to the village..
Check out that chubby face!! I L-U-U-UVE her!!
Chloe and Grant trying to stay warm. Chloe is 3 x older than Grant .. She's such a cougar!