Monday, January 31, 2011

The Celebration of the Very Looooong Dogs

Last weekend was the monthly dacshund weiner roundup.  There were weinies of all shapes and sizes (see picture below). Long weinerssmall weiners, brown weiners, black weiners, long-haired weiners, wIre-haIred weiners and even some spotted weinies. Ginger was the prettiest though.
Chloe loved every second of the dog park (except during the picture above apparently). She watched all of the dogs as they chased each other and she said her first word! She actually said "dah dah" which I interpreted to mean "Dad", but Leah told me Chloe was actually saying dog because she did the accompanying sign language for dog at the same time. Ah man!

After Ginger was done smelling everyone we decided to go on a little family hike up in the hills above the park. Here is a picture of Leah and Ginger as we started our assent.
 It was pretty cold out (by California standards) so I squeezed Chloe into my jacket to keep keep her warm.

Chloe and I stayed warm enough. Leah had to keep herself warm with stinky-ole-slobber-mouth-muddy-butt Ginger. Every time Chloe and I turned around we saw THIS:

That Ginger is always posing for the camera. Lastly, our family picture commemerating our glorious assent to the peak of Mount Abovedogpark.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A new ME

After gaining a whopping 34 lbs while pregnant with my daughter Chloë I am so happy to announce that after 7 months I am Finally back to my pre pregnancy weight!! Yay!! For the past 3 weeks I have been eating very healthy. I am not on a "diet" (I am still nursing and cannot restrict my calories) I am just eating all whole grains, no added sugar, and LOTS of fruits and veggies. Chloë and I have been attending a Mommy and me palates/ singing/sign language for babies class. I just started a yoga class on Thursdays and Adam bought me a shake weight that I just began using. I realized that here we feed our daughter pure homemade fruits and veggies, but I am eating a quesadilla and sugar free soda.. Not the best example, especially when she always reaches for what I am eating and wants to try it. I then say "nope baby this isn't for you" well it shouldn't be for me either so here I am. I feel great! I have more energy and I am more motivated.. YAY! Go sz 2 jeans I totally deserve you!!
banana, strawberries,peaches and a little fresh pressed apple juice

 I love vegetables and fruit smoothies!! The one thing I still really miss CHEESE!(the kind that's not so healthy, ya know the melty stringy kind)

Look @ all of that beautiful color in these Japanese yams! yum!

Yellow and red pepper with olive oil fresh cloves of garlic and onions.. roasted! mmm..

Southwest white chicken chili

I just made this delicious Chili.. Normally I don't love chili, but this improvised HEALTHY recipe I made is yummy..


4 (4 ounce) skinless, boneless chicken breast halves, cut into cubes
2 teaspoons ground cumin
1 large onion, chopped
1 (15oz) can diced tomatoes (with juice)
1 medium yellow squash chopped
3/4 cup water/ chicken stock
1 1/2 cups frozen whole kernel corn
1 (15 ounce) can white kidney beans (cannellini), rinsed and drained
1 (15 ounce) can dark red kidney beans, partially drained
A few dashes of garlic salt and pepper
2 tablespoons shredded Cheddar cheese

1.Heat the chicken in a saucepan over medium-high heat. Add the cumin, onion and pepper and cook until the chicken is cooked through and the vegetables are tender, stirring often.
2.Stir the water, corn and beans in the saucepan and heat to a boil. Reduce the heat to low. Cover and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Sprinkle with the cheese.

   I am trying to eat healthy so I didn't add the cheese to the top of mine even though I think cheese is the BEST, only Adams bowl got some :)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

December and January

It's been a little while since I made a post so Dec. and Jan. will be all tied in.. Christmas was so much fun this year..


 Chloë got lots of books, clothes and toys..

 We had a night of Chocolate dipping..

TONS of eating..

More food...

Then for New Years we went down to Southern California to meet our good friends fiance, Darby. We had so much fun shopping and going out to eat and playing the wii..

Eating crab at Joe's Crab shack.
Chloe having a blast watching the waiters dance at Joe's..
Congratulations John and Darby! Can't wait to see you in April for the wedding!!