Sunday, April 25, 2010
Oh baby!
Need I say more?? I am getting so BIG! Anywhere I go people ask me when I'm due. I look nine months, but I still have a good 7 weeks left!! Baby girl Baird is really plumping up. And she found that she can really stretch out her legs if she wants to. My right side sure feels the exercise :) I am still feeling very well thank goodness! I do wish she would come a little early though because I can't wait to meet her and see what she looks like! I guess I am impatient..
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Chloë's baby shower
What a beaufiful day for a baby shower! The sun was out and felt like spring! Baby Chloe got some wonderful things. We had lots of delicious food, and had so much fun! Thank you to all who helped and thought about us that day. It was sad being away from family for the shower but people from my church came and made it great! 

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Carmeled apples!
This weekend my best friend Audrey came to California to throw me a baby shower. We made carmel apples with pink and white m&ms as shower favors the night before. They turned out so pretty!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
My dream crib!!!
Adam and I have been wanting this Pottery Barn crib since I first saw it around Christmas time and We finally got one!! It weighs around 200 lbs! We hope to pass it down as a heirloom piece. I am just now starting on the nursery because I couldn't start without my centerpeice!! <3
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Visitors from Idaho.
Last week my and brother and sister-in-law (Adam's sister) Kali came to visit from Idaho with their three little kids. Tyler (3) Ethan (2) and Hanna (1). It was so fun having them here. We went to the Jelly Belly factory, To the Golden Gate bridge, and to the Oakland Temple. They stayed a week and went and did fun things everyday. They went to 6 flags, Muir woods, Peir 39 etc. The kids were really funny and Ginger loved having so many people on her level to lick in the mouth. She got PLENTY of french kisses!! Baby Hanna is feirce about her food, Tyler is active and loves asking many many questions, and Ethan has the cutest smile! We really enjoyed seeing them and hope they come back to visit again.